
Embracing the Risks of Career Change: A Journey to New Horizons

Hear me out, I’m not crazy. Well a bit but that’s not the point


min read


Dare to embrace change, for it is the path to discovering your true potential and living the life you’ve always imagined.

It’s hard, but worth it.

Thinking about switching up your career? It’s like setting out on a thrilling adventure, but let’s face it, it can also be a bit nerve-wracking. There are risks involved, and it’s crucial to know how to handle them. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat about the real challenges that come with a career change and how you can tackle them with style and confidence.

Image by Matteo-vella at Unsplash.

The Money Question

Challenge: The big one—money. Changing careers might mean a change in your salary, and it could take time to catch up to your previous earnings.

Solution: Start by creating a financial plan. Set up an emergency fund for those unexpected expenses. You can also consider part-time work or freelancing in your new field to keep some cash flowing while you gain experience.

Skill Swap

Challenge: Switching careers often means picking up new skills, and that can be a bit intimidating, especially when others in your new field are already pros.

Solution: Dive into learning mode! Enroll in courses, attend workshops, and find a mentor. Think of it as your own design project—constantly refine your skill development approach based on what works best for you.

Image by Matteo-vella at Unsplash.

Facing the “No’s”

Challenge: Rejection isn’t fun, and it’s almost inevitable when you’re breaking into a new career.

Solution: Embrace your inner design thinker! Learn from rejection, seek feedback, and keep adjusting your approach. Remember, each “no” is just a stepping stone on your path to success.

Networking Newbies

Challenge: Building a network in your new field when you’re starting from scratch can be tricky.

Solution: Put on your networking hat and get creative. Connect with key players on social media, attend industry events (even virtual ones!), and team up on cool projects. It’s a bit like designing a service; find out what works best for your target audience and iterate as you go.

Image by Matteo-vella at Unsplash.

Balancing Dreams and Reality

Challenge: Your dream job might not always line up with practical stuff like money and job security.

Solution: It’s all about finding that sweet spot. Look for roles that give you both satisfaction and financial stability. Sometimes you’ve got to make a compromise or two, but it’s all part of the adventure.

Battling Self-Doubt

Challenge: Fear of the unknown and doubting your abilities can be your worst enemies.

Solution: Surround yourself with supportive folks who believe in you. Practice some self-compassion and remind yourself of your accomplishments. You’re a courageous explorer on a journey, and you’ve got what it takes!

Conclusion: Changing careers is like taking a thrilling ride, but it does come with its twists and turns. Embrace the challenges, and remember that you’ve got the power of service design and design thinking to guide you. Plan your route, keep learning, and stay resilient. With the right mindset and a dash of confidence, you’ll navigate these uncharted waters and sail into a fulfilling and successful new career.